LOINC Utility


LOINC Utility

The LOINC Utility allows clients to relate LOINC codes with other Lab Result Codes and Lab Component Codes, which is useful for UDS Reporting.


The Product User Manual helps to explain the purpose of the utility.

The LOINC Utility requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or newer. This free framework must be installed on the machine that will run the LOINC Utility. Installing the framework will require a reboot. If you are installing on a workstation, this is likely not a problem. If you are installing on a server, or if your organization uses Citrix, Windows Terminal Server, or other terminal services, you will need to inform your IT Group or System Administrator as they will need to coordinate the installation and reboot with other users of the server. Generally this means waiting until "non-working hours" to perform the update.

A License Key (sold separately) can be obtained by contacting the NextGen Healthcare Success Community, or by calling NextGen Healthcare Corporate Headquarters at (215) 657-7010.

If you have purchased the LOINC Utility and have not received a license key, please submit a NextGen Healthcare Success Community request and we will provide a license key as soon as possible.

Download Latest Version:  2019.724
July 24, 2019
Team Cianos
July 24, 2019
  • Minor Script Updates
February 25, 2019
  • We have changed the way LOINC Utility handles Lab Results and Lab Components that were imported during system conversions, that are not linked to a valid Lab. LOINC Utility now shows missing labs as a red *UNKNOWN*.
  • Cloud SQL Update: Database Stored Procedure changes, which change the way LOINC Utility handles NULL LabID values
February 22, 2019
  • LOINC Utility now performs LOINC Updates asynchronously so the UI can remain responsive during the update. Previously, choosing APPLY CHANGES would make the utility appear to HANG during the updates, which can take a long time to occur.
  • Cloud SQL Update: Application now handles Lab Results linked to LABS that don't exist (such as sites recently converted to NextGen from other systems).
  • Cloud SQL Update: A fake Lab is created (called "LU Faux Labs") and tests without a valid Lab Link are now linked to the fake Lab. This allows all tests results and components to be modified by the LOINC Utility.
February 7, 2019
  • A bug introduced in the last revision was preventing Component Updates from being applied. This has been corrected.
  • Specifying NULL on a record with a BLANK or NULL LOINC code will change the record to NULL.
  • Cloud SQL Update: Stored Procedure used to get Lab Results and Lab Components data now ignores records that refer to a NULL LabID.
February 1, 2019
  • Utility was ignoring Lab Component records with no time information, leaving a lot of records with no LOINC assignments. Fixed. Utility now uses the Collection Date from the related Results record (obr_p) if the Component record (obx) has no date info. This results in many more records being updated with the correct LOINC codes. It is recommended that all clients go back through their mappings and check for unmapped LOINC codes again.
January 21, 2019
  • STORING CHANGES: Previously, using STORE for a given Enterprise and Practice would delete all previous stored changes for that Enterprise and Practice before storing the new changes. Now when users STORE changes, changed items are simply added to the existing list, allowing users to accumulate changes from different filters or time frames, then apply them ALL at one time at the end using APPLY.
  • The Grid controls now show the number of records affected for each row. The TEST RESULT Grid controls now show the Lab Name so users know where the data for a given Lab Result came from.
  • The APPLY CHANGES options of "Apply to NULL records only" and "apply to ALL records" have been removed, as they made it possible to prevent users applying simple changes to NULL values. Now, if you change a LOINC code for a row, it will be applied to all matching Lab Results or Lab Components for that row. This is simpler, and more in line with user expectations.
  • The Utility now allows LOINC codes to be seen and assigned for Lab Results/Lab Components that have a NULL value for the Component Key (AKA no component key).
  • The Utility was not handling malformed BATT ID values as well as it could. This allowed test results to be ignored for clients with technically invalid BATT ID data - and unfortunately a large number of clients have technically invalid BATT ID data. This fix will allow LOINC to still identify and change data for Lab Results/Lab Components with
December 6, 2018
  • The INSTALLER has its own .NET Requirement setting, which was incorrectly set "too new" and requiring clients to have a newer .NET Framework installed. This has been fixed. Software only requires .NET Framework 4.5.2.
November 30, 2018
  • Users can now enter their LOINC code changes, but save the change list rather than apply it. Later, the User can re-load these changes and apply them during off-peak hours.
November 9, 2018
  • Utility no longer loads Lab Results and Lab Component data at initial startup. User must choose filter criteria and click REFRESH to query the database.
  • User is asked a "Are you sure you want to save?" question every time they try to save. The message indicates that the update has the potential to make the system very slow, and the update should instead be performed during off-hours usage.
  • The MASTER refresh Button (next to the filter criteria) refreshes both the Lab Result and Lab Component lists. It is the only way to refresh the list data if any of the filter criteria changes. The independent REFRESH features (one under Lab Results, one under Lab Component) are only enabled if the MASTER refresh has updated both lists using current criteria, and that criteria has not changed since the last MASTER refresh. This is by design.
October 30, 2018
  • Fix for a threading issue on certain platforms preventing the utility from properly initializing, causing a hang.
  • When using TRY mode (TRIAL Mode), you cannot save the changes. Also, the text (TRIAL MODE) appears in the title area.
October 19, 2018
  • Added a drop list to choose a TIME FRAME. ALL TIME, CURRENT YEAR, LAST 2 YEARS, LAST 5 YEARS
  • Additional threading on the Initialization sequence to improve main form startup display times.
  • Changes to Stored procedures to accept BEGIN and END dates, to further limit the size of the dataset being manipulated on the Server Side. Hopefully this will further improve speed when refreshing data.
October 18, 2018
  • Added clustered indexes to sql scripts to improve their speed. Changed Utility to wait indefinitely for SQL database connections and SQL database queries.
October 17, 2018
  • Updated DB scripts change how the data is collected and grouped, improving performance. All columns in the grids are now sortable to aid in finding missing or specific data.
October 11, 2018
  • Removed dependency on external TCX Libraries. Updated EXE and LIB to target .NET Framework 4.5.2 rather than 4.7.1.

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