
Applications + Utilities


Contract Utility

Assists clients in updating contracts within a NextGen Healthcare database. The Contract Utility is available to all NextGen clients at no-charge.

Release Date: February 27, 2018     Version:

Import Wizard

Aids new users to load their NextGen Healthcare databases faster in order to go live sooner.

Release Date: April 9, 2019     Version:

NextGen Configuration Viewer

Allows a User or Support Engineer to determine if User Privileges, NextGen Configuration Paths (from NGConfig.INI), DSN Connections, and Database External Path References values are correct and usable.

Release Date: October 11, 2018     Version: 2018.1011

NextGen® Custom Template Console

The NextGen Custom Template Console application identifies and compares the template objects. After applying an upgrade to your test or development environment, this application guides you through the process of managing t...


Synchronizes ODBC DSN Definitions between 32-bit ODBC and 64-bit ODBC.

Release Date: October 11, 2018     Version: 2018.1011

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