TCS Survey Export Utility


TCS Survey Export Utility

The Survey Export Utility is designed to assist NextGen clients in generating lists of patients and associated data for the purpose of sending them surveys. The utility has the capability of supporting multiple vendor file specifications. If you are interested in this utility and you do not see a file specification listed below that you need support for, Technical Consulting Services can create the format for the SKU price + an additional fee. The additional fee amount will depend upon the complexity of the specification.

Currently Supported Vendors & File Specifications

Survey Vendor Program Internal Version Status
1. HealthStream CG-CAHPS v3.0 Active
2. NRC Health Connect Experience v1.0 Active
3. DSS Research CG-CAHPS v3.0 Active
4. DSS Research OAS-CAHPS v1.0 Active
5. Press Ganey OAS-CAHPS / Medical Practice v2.0 Active

To download and install the latest version of the installer click the Download link below.

A license key can be obtained through the NextGen Healthcare Success Community or by calling NextGen Healthcare Corporate Headquarters at (215) 657-7010.

Download Latest Version:  3.10
November 27, 2018
Team Greene
November 27, 2018
  • Added selecting the SIM library as a configuration setting to allow clients that want to use a different SIM library other than the default SIM library as the source to build their CPT code filtering table.
November 9, 2018
  • If CPT code filtering is being used. Only configured CPT codes will show in the output file.
July 26, 2018
  • Bug Fix: Unbilled encounters were being excluded whether or not the user chose to exclude them.
  • The actual CPT4 code on a charge will be used instead of using the service item.
July 17, 2018
  • Added the ability to bypass the age limiter which is filtering out potential surveys of patients that are 17 years of age and younger.
  • Added optimizations to the export routines for Press Ganey.
June 28, 2018
  • Refactored the way the utility gathers data for daily submissions in order to decouple that process away from working with a reporting period.
  • Minor UI enhancements
June 26, 2018
  • Bugfix: patient survey records could be duplicated due to an application setting not getting set in the database correctly.
May 7, 2018
  • Bug Fix: if you were using the press ganey or DSS Research formats the command line feature would fail.
March 27, 2018
  • Upgraded utility to .NET version 4.5.2
  • Upgraded utility to TCS Class library version 8.0
  • Fixed history grid where the re-export functionality wasn't working for DSS Research and Press Ganey
  • Updated the Press Ganey format to their latest specification dated 11/2017
August 22, 2017
  • Updated PressGaney formatting - Adding in up to 6 CPT codes in the data submission file.
  • Added conversion of NG gender to PG gender, removed language, re-arranged field order
July 27, 2017
  • Added the OAS CAHPS Format specifications for Press Ganey and DSS Research
June 13, 2017
  • Defaulting the visit type to 'Office Visit'. Hard coded now, but will be a vendor level configuration setting in the next version
May 9, 2017
  • No longer requring patient type as a filter in connect experience v.1
May 1, 2017
  • Added configuration setting to allow multiple encounters to be sent for a person
February 27, 2017
  • Bug Fix: When exporting for different locations, the process would generate the files so swiftly that if an export file was small enough, it would move to the next export file within the same processing second therefore overwriting the previous file. Output files should now have a 2 second time partition so that this scenario never occurs.
December 27, 2016
  • Minor UI Enhancements
  • Added currently logged in user information on export view
  • Survey export function is now threaded to increase performance with progress indicators
December 16, 2016
  • Updated Scheduler
November 21, 2016
  • Enhancement: Added indexing on person history table.
  • Enhancement: Added indexing on cpt configuration table.
  • Enhancement: Added new Connect Experience format: Connect Experience v2.0 (New Specification Release 9/2016)
August 1, 2016
  • Reformatted visit date, date of birth; fixed zip5 and zip4 pulls, now filtering out any encounters that do not have a visit type.
July 27, 2016
  • Minor changes to encounter filtering on report period days and encounter age
  • Minor updates to UI
July 26, 2016
  • Added Vendor profiles and configuration to support multiple vendor file specifications
July 28, 2015
  • BugFix: scheduled export wasn't picking up saved values for filename prefix and facility id
  • Date of birth and Date of visit now formatted per specification. (MM/DD/YYYY)
June 29, 2015
  • Bug Fix: Added grouping to final output file to remove duplicate data rows.
June 15, 2015
  • Added external systems dropdown to allow choosing one from a friendly name
  • Fixed bug in file output: If filtering by locations output files would overwrite each other. Now incrementing file names with client number and survey designator
  • CPT filtering is now optional: If no CPT's are entered or flagged as enabled, then no filtering on CPT will take place
  • External system is optional: If no external system is chosen, then the location_id (GUID) value will be used for clinic ID. If no external ID is set for a location, it will appear blank in the output file if external system is being used.
June 2, 2015
  • Initial Release

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