TCS Unapplied Advanced Utility


TCS Unapplied Advanced Utility

TCS Unapplied Advanced Utility is a Windows application that automatically applies encounter or account unapplied transactions to outstanding patient balances in NextGen Practice Management.

This utility creates un-posted batches in NextGen Practice Management which is a reversible process by deleting the batch. Once a batch is posted within NextGen Practice Management the transactions are irreversible therefore the batches should be reviewed before posting.

To purchase the Unapplied Advanced Utility please submit a NextGen Healthcare Success Community request and we will provide a quote.

A trial version exists of the application, please submit ticket for further information. The trial version should not be run against a production database.

To download and install the latest version on your machine, click the INSTALL link below.

Download Latest Version:  2.7.1
June 27, 2019
Team Greene
June 27, 2019
  • Fixed issue with COB 3 on ZBC to not apply payment correctly (was forced to adjustment)
January 16, 2019
  • Enc -> Enc transfer: Changed logic added for CPT filter (see v 2.4) to apply to both Source and Destination
  • Updated "New Function" to not include the Encounter -> Account transfer (these was depreciated with new functions Enc to Enc transfer in v2.0)
  • Updated user guide
November 5, 2018
  • Exclude Budget option no longer checks budget date range, only that an account has an active budget.
  • Zero Balance Corrector. If the column balances do not equal $0, only balance the line item if the line item balance = $0.
  • Ages in configurations are now capped at 32k (~87 years)
  • Updated User Guide
June 13, 2018
  • Fixed version control .xml (had changed a 7 to a 5)
June 7, 2018
  • Account to Encounter Transfer: Added a CPT Filter, Budget Option exclusion.
  • Encounter to Encounter Transfer (both Applied and Unapplied): Added a CPT Filter, Budget Option exclusion, Apply to DOS option.
December 4, 2017
  • Fixed issue introduced with the performance update in 2.2
November 29, 2017
  • Performance fixes
June 28, 2017
  • Internal code changes
April 21, 2017
  • Credit Spread - Double check charges were adjusted before creating a record for the encounter.
  • Added two new functions, Encounter to Encounter Transfer (Unapplied and Applied)
April 14, 2017
  • Fixed the scheduling of Applied Transfer (wasn't included)
  • Applied Transfer (to acct) now excludes encounters where guarantor is an employer (this mimics the way the unapplied to account transfer works).
  • Added a check to verify the account has other encounters to move the balance before moving to the account. (both unapplied and applied).
March 14, 2017
  • Applied Enc to Account Unapplied Transfer - Fixed issue with Account Adjustments displaying as Payment in EPM.
March 3, 2017
  • Fixed issue in Zero Balance Corrector - Always creating transactions for COB or patients even if no balance was fixed - If COB 3 was fixed it threw an error.
March 3, 2017
  • Applied Enc to Account Unapplied Transfer - Both Sets of transaction codes now allow both Payments and Adjustments.
February 10, 2017
  • Internal Code Fix - SQL
January 13, 2017
  • Added new configuration for Encounter to Account Transfer: Exclude Transaction Code
  • Updated User Guide
  • User Guide links to instead of disk.
November 7, 2016
  • SP Bug fix (wouldn't compile)
November 3, 2016
  • Updated the functions (sql) to use better indexes on EPM charges.
  • Updated all functions (sql) when they run to show start time more accurately. Previously they did not include the time it takes to 'find' the eligible data to modify.
  • Encounter Unapplied applies the credits to charges using the sequence (the order they show in EPM) after the DOS for the charge. (First apply by DOS of the charges, then by sequence).
  • Zero Balance corrector was zeroing all cob or pat balances if the total encounter was $0. There is now an option to exclude this process if the columns do not sum to $0.
  • Scheduled function wasn't running the Zero Balance or Enc->Acct Transfer correct - fixed.
October 31, 2016
  • Added new options to Encounter Unapplied: require payer, exclude encounter payer types (both optional)
  • Encounter, Acct Unapplied, Enc->Acct Transfer now requires a credit on unapplieds (all encounters should have credits or $0 unapplied).
August 9, 2016
  • ncs_ua_unapp_transfer_run - Transacion type dependant on the code type (C or A)
  • Zero Balance Corrector function now allows for payment type transaction codes.
December 2, 2015
  • Fixed issue in SP ncs_ua_unapp_transfer_run
October 9, 2015
  • Zero Balance Corrector now correctly sets the BBP ind
  • Changed order of Change Practice to sort by name (was sorting by practice ID)
  • Configuration settings (users, transaction codes) are now pre-loaded when the application start for performance
September 10, 2015
  • Added new function "Encounter Applied to Account Unapplied Transfer"
May 26, 2015
  • Updated No-Debit to only allow encouters with charges all buckets = $0 (was only patient)
May 8, 2015
  • Fixed logging with the zero bal correct (function didn't generate an audit log)
April 16, 2015
  • Added new function, Zero Balance Corrector.
  • User can now switch between practices.
  • Command Line argument now supports 'ALL' so all practices run, not just specific ones.
April 9, 2015
  • Updated Credit Spread to work correctly and have additional functionality to exclude some types of encounters.
March 26, 2015
  • No Debit change
February 5, 2015
  • Fixed bug in Encounter to Account Unapplied
January 21, 2015
January 16, 2015
  • Internal code update - SQL
January 7, 2015
  • Added new function 'Credit Spread'
  • Cancel on Function Edit now reloads so changes don't appear to have been 'saved'
November 10, 2014
  • Internal code update
October 23, 2014
  • Fixed the schduling in ncs_ua_practice_function_run.
  • Added a validation check to make sure a configuration is complete before allowing a save.
October 16, 2014
  • Internal code update
October 15, 2014
  • Added new function, Encounter (no patient debit) unapplied
  • New Icon
June 19, 2014
  • Added a Trial function that works outside of licensing (30 runs).
  • Added a Set BBP Post Ind to the Encounter and Account Unapplied Function.
  • Encounter Unapplied script - creates a single transaction per encounter vs one per trans_detail.
June 11, 2014
  • Added licensing
  • Change "max enc date" to use "max enc age".
  • Updated user doc
May 23, 2014
  • Fixed script to made column an identity column (ncs_ua_function_config)
  • Added in a multi-select transaction code configuration
  • SQL Updates
May 12, 2014
  • Inital Release

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